Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wayang Kulit / leather puppet (artistic culture of Indonesia)

Wayang Kulit (leather puppet ) is one of the culture in Indonesia, the wayang kulit are in Central Java and Yogyakarta. wayang kulit is an art that tells the story of the ancient Hindu cultural absorption. wayang kulit - played by a puppeteer and in accompanied by gamelan music. There is also a singer who called sinden. sinden is a singer who sings songs of Java. wayang kulit performances are usually on at night.

shadow puppets are made with cow leather raw materials that have been dried and then the chisel into the forms of puppets. people who play called wayang kulit puppet masters, and people who play gamelan music called Yogo. shadow puppets played one night long. medium leather puppet show using a white cloth on the spread and irradiate with light rays for puppets-puppets can tersinari and can be a shadow from behind the cloth, because people who see the shadow puppets from behind the screen. There are many wayang kulit figures, such as Semar, Petruk, Gareng, Dasamuka, Arjuna, Anoman and others. There are many titles wayang kulit performances, one of which is Anoman Obong.


State of Indonesia is a vast archipelagic nation, there are many cities, indigenous, tribe which has different characteristics. Each region has a diversity of cultures and different customs. Indonesia has more than dozens of islands, among others, is the island of Sumatra, Java, Bali, Lombok, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua, NTT, NTB, Madurese and others who surely there are millions of diversity and there characteristics. In each island has one or more regions and each region in one pulaupun have customs, languages and different cultures. For example on the island of Java, in Java there is the province of West Java, Central Java, East Java and Yogyakarta special region. In one of the island there is a difference, have a language sunda west java, java middle east + DI. Yogyakarta has the Java language. But its also the Java language has different characteristics. Indonesia also has the diversity of religion, the religion contained in this State is Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism. Each region has particularly the majority of religious believers, such as the Javanese majority of people embraced Islam, the population of the island of Bali, a Hindu majority.
Sultan Yogyakarta Place
National language of Indonesia is Indonesian, the language is the language of unifying the nation. Although there are many languages in that country but the national Indonesian language is the language that became the main communication language.
BALI Island

Every region in Indonesia has different arts and diverse, there is the art of music, dance, etc. are certainly very interesting to see her. For example, leather puppet from Central Java and Yogyakarta, dance Kecak from Bali, Lodrok from East Java.
Here also many tourist attractions are very unusual to be visited, there Borobudur in Central Java that was one of the wonders of the world, there are beaches in Yogyakarta Tritis machetes, there Sanur beach and Kuta beach in Bali and many more which of course everyone want to visit it.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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